Monday, January 9, 2017

      I think the strongest part of my work was utilizing the dodge and burn tools to make the tattoo look more realistic and blend more to like my skin tone. I could probably improve on the stretch of the image, because I feel I stretched the image too much so I feel like it isn't quite the same as if it were on my skin.

     The easiest part of this assignment was drawing the tattoo because I was able to combine two separate pictures by tracing. It was difficult making the tattoo look realistic because it took me a couple of classes to figure out how to make it look as realistic as I could.

     I used the dodge and burn tools to lighten or darken an area pf the picture to match lighting of my skin. The blur tool was used to hide parts of the tattoo under my shirt and chin and I used the multiply tool to remove the white from my tattoo. I used the warp filter to stretch the tattoo on my skin. I demonstrated the goal by creating a tattoo and putting on a picture by properly using the new tools we learned about. I would probably choose a different place to put the tattoo if I could do this project differently.